Former SDA and Sabbatarian Pastors' Testimonies
My Journey Out of Legalism by Clay Peck
An Open Letter to our Friends and Family by Greg and Paula Taylor
Becoming Grace Based by Steve Kurtright
Testimony of David DePinho
More from David DePinho
Testimonies of Other Former Adventists
Testimony of Grace A.
Testimony of Virginia S.
Testimony of Enoch R.
Testimony of Rocky Maraccini
Testimony of Sabra R.
Testimony of Patria Rector - watch via Windows Media Player streaming video.
*Additional testimonies can be found on our Audio page.
Short Testimonies of Former Adventists
We are thanking God for finding your website. We have recently left the SDA Church after finding what God truly did for us at Calvary! The members have tried their best to discourage us, but can not because we know where in God's Word to find what we believe and are at peace now. We are soaking in the sermons that you have posted! There is more to say, but not room enough here.
W. B. - North Dakota

Dear Brothers and Sisters, I just wanted to say a massive thank you to you all for producing such a great web page with all the important Scriptural Truths. I am not an Adventist, But some of my dear friends are. The sermon by your pastor on what happens at death was brilliant thank you so much. I once believed in soul sleep myself, Now I know it is not a Biblical teaching and the exposure of its falsity was excellent. Can you please pray for my Adventist friends here?
E. - United Kingdom

We resigned from the SDA church. For the first time in 8 years we feel free, what a blessing! Thank you very muck for all the information on the web it is highly appreciated.
R. B. - South Africa

I want to take a minute today and send out a BIG THANK YOU to your ministry. The information you offer on your exadventist.com website was instrumental in providing the foundation for me to understand SDA theology. I am a M.Div. with lots of apologetical training and came up to speed in good order supplementing your info with scholarly treatise on the Old and New Testament. As a result, I have been able to successfully engage and present (in LOVE) a truly Biblical response with members of the SDA Church. Your ministry resources made it possible for me to do this in a very brief span of time with a lot of dedication and hard work. Thank you so much for your ministry. It has been educational for both myself and the SDA members I encounter. GOD BLESS YOU!
P. P. - California

I am a former Adventist who was born and raised in the church. I have no ill will towards them, but left the church after many things simply didn't "add up" for me. I'm blown away by the information on your website. I'd always assumed Mrs. White was just a bit "misguided." I just wanted to thank you for your courage and honesty in maintaining the site. Keep up the good work.
M. T. - Canada

I just wanted to thank you for your website. Just to know that the family who beat me into being a good SDA girl, were in fact WRONG! I have struggled for many years since leaving their church, but your website was a light at the end of the tunnel. Thanks again.
L. K. - Australia

Pastor Mark,
It's been over 2 years now since leaving Adventism. All the warnings that they gave me, that I would fall into a life of sin and immorality by accepting the doctrine of "cheap grace" have ...well...I'm more active than ever in Bible study, prayer, and fellowship with the saints!
I'm Spirit filled; fire baptized, and just sense the life of God at work in my life, like never before! Being set free from the real sins of my life and realizing my place in Christ. What a blessing!
I've come to realize that the call on my life is not to live a Christian life, but to die a Christian death!
Thanks for your ministry and God bless!
Loving Jesus,
J. C.

Praise God that your website is still on the Internet! As a former Adventist, your ministry and the information on this website has helped me personally in my search for Bible truth and has also been a tremendous help in my witnessing to legalistic SDA's and now some EX-SDA's! Praise God!!! God bless you and your ministry and don't ever give up in spreading the true gospel of God. We appreciate all of your effort and so does God!
J. B.

I just wanted to thank you all for such an awesome website and outreach. I was a member of the Adventist Church for over 8yrs and I even went to many of their schools. I was always uncomfortable with some of their doctrines and beliefs but I lacked the knowledge and wisdom to find out just what it was. It was a little over four years ago that I left the Adventist Church for being persecuted for questioning the very things that you guys provided the answers to. I have since been able to share the information on this site with my parents and other 7th day friends of mine in order to lead them out of "religion" and into a true loving relationship with Jesus. Thanks so much for all of your hard work and dedication to this issue, you have certainly won more souls for the kingdom!!
Happily serving my Jesus,
K. - Virginia

Just a quick note to thank you and your ministry so much. I was ready to join the SDA's until I came across your website and began to read and listen to your material. The Gospel and the Covenants just blew me away. Praise Jesus He has set me free indeed to follow Him! Once again thank you for your love and boldness.
T. - Australia

Thank you, thank you, Pastor Mark!
I can't tell you what a source of comfort your site has been. All my in-laws are SDA... I started dating my husband when we were just teenagers and I was told everything from "You're not going to Heaven if you don't keep the Sabbath" to a 6 year old telling me "You're not going to Heaven if you eat that chicken sandwich". I never could agree with that, but didn't have the experience or the maturity to dispute it. However, my husband and I loved each other so much we just got to the point of avoiding the topic. (I did question him an awful lot, though).
Now we have two beautiful young children and I am doing all I can to equip them, as well as protect them from any EGW inspired accusations or suggestions. I love my in-laws, and they've come to love me as well over the years. I really don't want to cause any tension or alienation between us. However I will do everything I can to keep my kids from getting sucked into the SDA culture.
My husband has attended church with me for the last 3 years. He's been slowly getting involved in our congregation and has started lending his skills to our church. At the same time though, he won't mention that at all to his parents... He told me recently that if he became a member of our church it would be like stabbing his parents in the back. He's unbelievably afraid of hurting his parents to the point of it making me feel slighted.
Which brings me back to you. I prayed about this situation over the years, but about 6 weeks ago, I really reached into my heart and asked the Lord for some direction. Sure enough, I wound up on your site in one of the testimonies you posted. What a welcome relief! I felt like someone had crawled into my life. Believe me, I was thanking Jesus all afternoon. I've been reading like crazy, but my favorite resource is the audio section. That has helped me as much as anything.
Pastor Mark, thank you very much for your putting this site together. You are such a blessing.
God bless you so much!!
L. A.

I always check www.exAdventist.com often. Thanks for posting the issue of Lamplighter dealing with Seventh-day Adventism. In the issue was a picture of the Investigative Judgment in heaven. The man is looking down and the Ten Commandments are in the foreground. I hadn’t seen that painting since I was a kid in Sabbath School! I remember a lot of other ones, I’m sure you do too, where angels were abandoning sinners, or Jesus was judging someone. We would sing “Jesus loves me” and “With Jesus in the family, happy, happy home!” in Sabbath School. It just doesn’t fit the underlying doctrines. As kids, we didn’t know any better. Ever since I was saved, when I see these things, I thank God for His grace and peace.

My husband's family is Seventh-day Adventist and I just wanted to thank you for your informative site which has not only helped me understand their beliefs but has also helped me get answers to some of the accusations they throw at me about breaking the commandments (Sabbath). Thanks so much.
J. P.

I am member of a Baptist church in Germany. Recently I met a 7th-day Adventist and I learned some of their doctrines, and it makes me so sad that people can distort so much the Word of God. He is very well "trained" to justify what he believes, since he is a teacher in his church.
I was very glad when I came across your website. It is very good to hear that God can still reveal Himself and His grace even for people who are so firm in a different belief. I really like your approach of telling the truth in love, rather than attacking and even mocking their 'ignorance,' as I saw in other sites.
M. S. - Germany

I just want to thank the Lord for Mark Martin. I have downloaded most of his talks regarding Adventism. I just listened to his sermon on knowing you are saved. Since Adventism, I continue to struggle with those doubts and lies from satan. Please let Mark know that his words are blessings from the Lord. I love Jesus; and Mark through the direction of the Holy Spirit has communicated Gods wonderful great news of Jesus saving work.
Jesus’ work is done and our work is to Glorify and worship the risen Christ.
God bless in Jesus name,
C. B. - Avon, MN
Thank you for a very truth-honing earth shattering website. We hope the site is sustained. May God bless you and your wonderful work.
Anonymous from California

I am praying for inspired voices like yours, Professor Desmond Ford, Pr. Robert Brinsmead, Pr. Walter Rea and Smyth van Rooyen. I have been following your inspirational internet site and updates since 2002. Keep up the blessed work. The world needs you.
Kind regards,

Dear Pastor Mark,
I was attending an SDA church for two years, and now I have to give you a feedback on how your website worked in my life.
As a child I was attending a Catholic church (I am living in a catholic country) on my own interest. When I found out, that I have to do all things over and over again, then I did not go there again. I lost sight of God in my life. 15 years later a friend (SDA) invited me to a Bible study group. I went for the first time and it was interesting. I then started to attend that group and after a while I went to church. Firstly all the people were friendly (actually over friendly). I did not examine what we were doing at the Bible groups, I started to take it for granted. In the time I made a couple of "friends" in SDA circuit and I even went on two conferences (youth). The second was for the whole Europe in Poland. The different groups I was participating were from Monday to Sunday. Every day was a group or a thing in Church. So you see my input was huge.
After a while I started to feel Sabbath as a big burden. There were too many of them and the pressure rose on me in the Church, so on their opinion I should get baptized. I had a big problem. I did not want to get baptized in an organization.
Then I have started to research on the web about SDA. From a Slovenian site on SDA I have come across your site. I have studied everything on it and I still listen to your messages in my car on MP3. It was a real blessing. At that time I got saved. I have learned, that I can not do anything to deserve heaven, it is Jesus who paid the price. I would really like to express a big thanks to you and your ministry.
Then I looked at www.calvaryphx.com to see, where does a former SDA Pastor go to Church. I have checked all over your site, with the answers, I have even watched your live services. I was blessed. I thought to myself, if only we here in Slovenia had a Church like that. Than after a week or so I went researching again, and I found a site calvarychapel.com and I looked at the churches in the US and I have also found out that there is a world map of churches. I was really shocked when I saw a small dot in Slovenia. I was amazed. I wrote an email to the Pastor and he answered inviting me to the church.
So I went and since then I have been attending that church. It is not my town (it is a 40 miles distances) so they recommended me to visit also a Church in Maribor, my home town. My life went up and I really thank God and you for my salvation. I thrust that if I am ever in the States, that I come and visit you. I would really like to shake your hand.
Under the mercy of God,
S. C. - Slovenia, Europe

Pastor Mark,
As a third generation Adventist and son of a well-known minister, I left the church and its legalism after working with an SDA outreach group, then attending Andrews University. I headed as far away from the denomination and God as I could get. I ran to drugs, drink and all sort of illegal activities. I now joke that the SDA school system should have a course on appropriate alternatives when you leave the church!
But He never stopped knocking, and one day I found the FAF web site and started studying the Word (along with my Catholic wife). His acceptance of a sinner is amazing and I praise His name every day. At last, I am saved and feel His love and a grace. Today I am an active member of a community church in my city. At age 50 I find it such a pity that I spent valuable years of my life running from a god that didn't really even exist. He was a creation of EGW and the church. WOW
I'm devoting some of my time to reaching out to SDA friends (some out of the church; some ministers) to spread the wonderful truth of a good and wonderful God, and the difference He can make in one's life through grace; amazing grace.
Thank you for your ministry and the light that you helped shine for me.
In His Grace,
Name withheld by request

I am a Christian and have been saved for over 14 years now. I was raised in a Christian home and have been an active member of the Presbyterian PCA church in my hometown for quite sometime now. How does the SDA Church pertain to me you ask. Well I recently dated a SDA. He is a wonderful guy. I knew going into the relationship that he and I had different beliefs, but he was very open minded so I thought I could make it work. This was not the case. We had very few talks about religion and this upset me because Jesus is such a huge part of my life. We recently broke up and I know it was a "God Thing". It was his way of protecting my heart from more breakage.
I am continuing to read and seek more information from your website because I want to be more knowledgeable about this denomination. I find it all so fascinating. It is a GREAT ministry and a wonderful tool for those seeking more information about the SDA Church.
I can not thank you enough for your website!
A. D. - South Carolina

Hello, I am a former Seventh-day Adventist, I came out of Adventism one year ago last month and my spiritual life has been progressing in such a wonderful way, your website was very helpful in my search for the real TRUTH, God bless you for being able to help people in this way. During my studies I was led by God to start writing an article about Adventism, I have so many Adventist friends that are miserable in that faith but haven't researched it and are stuck because it's all that they know.
Thank you and may God continually bless you!
L. D.

Pastor Mark,
I was enlightened by listening to one of your sermons online when you talked about how the Sabbath was never intended to end and that Sabbath rest was initially intended to be a state of rest and not a day of rest. What an awesome revelation! That is a very important point that many Adventist don’t study or understand. My heart really goes out to people of the Adventist faith. In my circle of Adventism here in Ohio I have been in contact with so many of them who are confused and extremely unhappy with their churches but they are afraid to leave because of the Sabbath day. It is so incredible to hear you speak and to read other testimonials on all of the things about Adventism that I only last year started to realize. I was extremely active in my former church and I believe that God allowed that precedence to be set so that He can now use me to free others. Many aren’t willing to listen but I still will be willing to tell the truth about our Lord and only Savior Jesus Christ! Please pray that I will continually stay under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
Thank you so much for your witness!!
L. D. - Ohio

Thank you very much for this ministry… I grew up in Seventh-day Adventist Church and left when I was 16 years of age, as I felt I couldn't live up to their standards. Thanks very much for your outreach site, as I find much of this info comforting, as I have chosen to try and forget about God and the church for many years. I felt that I have been living an unfulfilled life for many years, thinking things will get better tomorrow, but never did. I started to do some research on the net, and found your site. I have come back to faith in God in the last year at 44 years of age, but I still feel haunted by some of beliefs of the SDA Church . With the info on your site, I can fin al ly sort out many of the misconceptions that I had learned in my childhood. My mother, father and brother still attend this church, therefore I'm not able to share my joy of being a Christian with them, as you know that they believe that al l other churches are wrong!! I'm very glad that my wife has turned to Christ as well and we are both actively involved with our new church here… my only regret is that I didn't find Christ earlier, as both of my daughters don't believe. The youth are very proactive in our church, praise God. I pray to God that they may see how great God really is and what He can do for them.
I was an SDA for 25 years until finding out the truth about Ellen White through some fascinating dreams that the Lord had given me and through the ministry of sdaoutreach.org and the former SDA sites. Praise God for people like you. It would have taken me much longer to figure out what was wrong with the church if it had not been for these articles. Before leaving the church my friend and I shared as much of this information as we could with members of the church as well as pastors and a conference president. We are trusting God to water the seeds planted. January 2005 I received confirmation of my resignation from the SDA Church . We have been very blessed after leaving the SDA Church. We now are"FREE INDEED". I am so grateful.
C. T. - Massachusetts

God bless you and your ministry! I've been greatly helped by your website. I was meeting with a really nice Seventh-day A dventist once a week for most of this past year. He slowly convinced me (by double and triple tag teaming me) that I should start keeping the S abbath and quit eating bacon. Man, I was SO CLOSE!! But I found your website and was set free from the guilt and condemnation that was heaped onto me by that SDA doctrine. The link that you had to Canright's stuff was great. When I mentioned his name to the SDA folks – you could see that look in their eyes… “Oh, no… We're gonna lose this guy”. They tried to say that he was delusional and renounced his Baptist faith. But I found out that they were just lies.
R. T.

I wrote you some months back concerning my little girl's desire to join the Seventh-day Adventist Church. I knew when I read your website that you could help me in finding out both sides of the truth about them. Since my child's father's family was all Seventh-day Adventists, she had visited with them quite a lot and had grown to love the people. But when she came home and was talking of wanting to join with them, that's when I searched out and found your website.
I had not been a good example for my children since marrying her Dad. I left the Church that I had always loved and lived as my husband did (he doesn't attend anywhere since he quit going to the Adventist church). But all their beliefs remain with him. Since talking to you when you wrote me and your generous help by sending me the video of Ellen G. White. We all viewed it and that was my deciding factor. I would tell my little girl I forbade her to join. So I did. I decided that husband or not I had to take the "bull by the horns" and grow up. I started taking my little girl to an old timely little Baptist Church. And Praise God! She LOVES it! She is fitting right in and is so very happy. She wants to go every time the doors are open.
I thank you so much for telling me to get my child in a Christ loving Church. It made me grow up and try and be a better mother.
Sorry such a long letter, but I just wanted you to know that you have really helped me to help myself and my little girl. I look at her while she raises her little arms and claps her hands praising God! Please let others know my story if you get a chance. It might help someone else. Thank you again.
L. B. - Alabama

Hello!! I've attended Sabbath worship and Bible study for about 2 months, but I started to feel/think "Something is wrong with SDA's doctrines", so I looked for information through Internet. A few days ago I found your website, and I read all articles, listened to all RealPlayer files including your sermons. All of them answered my question "Why I feel 'Something is wrong'?", and you made it very very clear what's the problem of SDA's teachings. That's so great!! Today (on Sunday) I visited Southern Baptist church in Yokohama (where I live) and I attended both Bible study and Sunday worship. Wow, they are really so wonderful!! Unlike SDA's Bible study, I could read Gospel of Matthew verse by verse with people of this church, and on the worship service I listened to very great sermon...The pastor will be preaching from Epistle to the Colossians throughout the Autumn months, and he recommends church members to bring notebooks to take notes to understand Colossians and the Christ-filled life from Apostle Paul. That's really incredible. I've attended some churches of some different denominations since my childhood by my will (My family is not interested in Christianity), but I've never taken such a wonderful Bible lesson!!
Although I am not SDA member, I almost started to believe SDA's doctrines are true. I want to say "Thank you" for your eye opening work!! Arigato (Japanese word, meaning "Thanks") and May God bless you!!
A.O. - Japan

I was born into the SDA church. All I knew was that I couldn't do this or that from sun down on Fri till sun down on Sat. And that there were a lot of rules to go by and I learned that it was no fun going to church. I always felt out of place as a child because I didn't fit into one of the clicks that the children tend to form. Now the people in general are very nice and caring, but when it comes right down to it I feel that if you had little money then you were always at the bottom of the list. You were pressured to give more money than you could for this or that and in my own opinion it was unnecessary. We would give what we could and then be asked why we were not giving more and made to feel bad about it. Now I don't recall specifics just a lot of hurt feelings as I was growing up. My sister and I were enrolled into the SDA elementary school and from my viewpoint as a child at the time I'm very glad it didn't last very long. I think the best part about the church school was that they incorporated the Bible into the curriculum. I stopped going to church when I was 15 or 16 and I wasn't too unhappy about that. Growing up my parents made me go weather I wanted to or not so this just made me not want to go even more. Well, the years went by and I would drop in here and there to see if I might want to walk my path again and every time I went I never felt welcomed. I gave it several chances and it never seemed to be right for me. Well, I got married and had children and all the time I felt something was missing in my life and it was God who was missing. It wasn't until I was divorced and on my own again that I found my way back to God. I knew I needed Him and I wanted to find the right place for me. It was hard. I searched many churches until one day at work a friend of mine told me about his church. Calvary Community Church. He told me all about Pastor Mark and his past SDA dealings and I thought that I had to give this church a chance since we already had something in common. So I went and I did completely feel at home with the group of people. I decided that this is where I want to be. This is my new home and family. I can't think of a better place to worship than with others who love God so much! I was saved on Christmas Eve 1999. Praise God!!!!!
Thank you for reaching out to me and accepting me into your flock.
Much love,
R.P. - Phoenix, Arizona

I pastor a non-denominational church start currently renting space in a 7th Day facility but soon to be relocating to our new site. Because we share space (and the 7th Day Elders have encouraged me to do so) I have read many books from 7th Day sources.
I can say your site is right on target. Your site is factual when quoting their sources and has been very helpful to me lately. I have been in dialogue with one of their members who is preparing for their pastoral ministry and have taken the questions you offer to him.
Thanks for your ministry. Many can't, and shouldn't, read their material to the degree I have and your site makes research so accessible.
Again, you offer a valuable resource on 7th Day Adventism.
(name removed to preserve anonymity)

I am a SDA and have been one since I was 17 (I am now 50). I happened to come upon your website - sdaoutreach.org - by accident when researching something else. I try to have an open mind and always wondered why so many people didn't see the importance of keeping the weekly Saturday Sabbath. I listen to Chuck Swindoll, Hank Hanegraaff (the Bible Answer Man) and enjoy their programs and admire their faith and knowledge, but always wondered why even these people don't believe that keeping the weekly Saturday Sabbath is important now. Well, to make a long story shorter, I sent away for some tapes and books from Calvary Chapel. I've concentrated more on the law and the covenants, and I can't believe I've never seen (or really understood) how all of it fits together so perfectly. I think I've listened to the two tapes on the law and the covenants about 10 times (when I'm driving to and from work). I can't believe all these years I've been keeping a sign of the Old Covenant.
I have one daughter, age 15, who has been raised an SDA. I also have 3 stepchildren, age 23, 22, and 20 - all of whom are SDA's. All except the oldest live with my husband and I, who is also an SDA (all of his life). I have talked to my daughter some about the covenants, the Sabbath- and she has listened to one side of the first tape on the law and the covenants. She is interested and wants to listen more and agrees with what she has heard. She also told me though that she doesn't think we should go to another church. I've also talked a little to my step-daughter who told me I should talk to an SDA pastor she knew where she went to school. My husband, when I tried to talk to him a little about what I had been listening to and reading, told me that in the last days the devil will try to confuse people-- so I didn't go any further with him. I don't want to confuse anyone or ruin anyone's faith - especially my daughter's - because of how young she is. There are not any young people her age in our church - only 4 boys a little younger than her and one in his older teens.
I am praying that God will show me the best way to tell my family. Also, my parents are SDA's and my father won't even listen to the tapes. He is part of the historical advent movement. I really want to share with them the freedom in Christ that God wants us to have now that we are under the New Covenant.
P.H. - Massachusetts

Dear Pastor Martin,
I wish to applaud your excellent study on the Sabbath that appears on your Website. I am also a former SDA minister. I wholeheartedly endorse all the material on your Website. My wife and I are active members of the First Evangelical Free Church here in Lincoln, Nebraska. We officially left Seventh-day Adventism in 2000 after being devout members for over forty years. God called us out of Adventism in His own time. I firmly believe that He redeems our past.
The last major SDA tenet that we overcame was their teaching about the state of the dead. Conditionalism and soul sleep seem to hang on in Adventist minds more than any other doctrine. I have noticed that many former Adventists still hang unto this heresy. The excellent book titled, DEATH AND THE AFTERLIFE, by Dr. Robert Morey was a great help in our finally accepting the biblical view of death.
I am pleased to learn that you pastor a very large church in Phoenix. I read your account in PROCLAMATION magazine. Please be assured that your able, online ministry touches many lives. May God continue to abundantly bless you and your family.
In awe of Calvary,
D. F. - Lincoln, Nebraska
Hello, Thank you for your website. I was almost sucked in! A few Sundays in a row, I woke up, early mornings and found this "very interesting" and "very likeable" pastor on "Amazing Facts" television. I even called the phone number at the end of the show and in no time started receiving little magazines that were easy to read and made very good sense to me... especially since my dear mother had recently died and I've been angry about it and looking for answers, the big "why" question. I mentioned to one of my relatives that I was reading these "really interesting" pamphlets and they laughed telling me WHO Amazing Facts really was and that was exactly how they get people sucked in. I called the phone number and just came out and asked them if there were associated with SDA and was told yes. I let them know what awful people they were for playing people like that. It's bothered me since then and I started doing searches on the internet to see if I could find out more. Like, why in their booklets and on their TV programs do they not mention this Ellen White? Anyway, thank you for your web site. I really feel betrayed because I ordered the pamphlets hoping to find answers to why my mother was taken from me. I just wish I would have thought to ask one of my relatives before I read all their "stuff".
M. K.

I am a junior at a University in South Carolina. I discovered your website a few weeks ago and love it! I have enjoyed reading all about the SDA Church while at the same time seeing God's truth revealed and defended by Scripture. Y'all have done a wonderful job! Thank you, Pastor Mark! You are a blessing!

We just showed the video to about 100 people two weeks ago. It went so well, and people are well equipped to share with SDA people. This is a tool that we use over and over. We are grateful for you making it available to us!
We love you!
J. B. & P. B. - Peru

I was so blessed reading your material. My wife is a former Adventist, but she still needs some help in understanding grace.
I will continue to visit your site and we need your help. I'm a born-again believer in Jesus.

Thank you Pastor,
I have just finished reading The Ten Commandments Twice Removed (TCTR) review by Jon Zens located on your site. I’m really impressed with the concise way he has "hit the nail on the head". We really needed his brilliant review 30 years ago to ably present the comparisons between the straight and crooked sticks. This compliments the other excellent material on this site. I am also following Mazzafarri's detailed critique on 1844 on the link you guys have provided. We were involved with Adventism in the period leading up to the "heady 80's era" running forum's etc. to allow a much wider platform for discussion and thought exchange that was not tolerated by the SDA Church controlled sector. It is great to see that more and more of the "Adventist flock" are daring to start searching and doing independent studies, apart from the Adventist drip fed diet. Thanks for all the other information that you have available on your site enabling us to be much more effective concerning Adventism. Of much more importance is the Calvary facility which is so effectively communicating the New Testament Scriptural Gospel. Thanks to your team for your appreciated efforts to get the word out to all of us who need it worldwide. God will keep blessing as we all continue to make ourselves available to finish the work of spreading the true gospel.
