
Hebrew and Greek Expert Critiques The Clear Word

Dr. Wayne A. Grudem recently had the opportunity to review The Clear Word and commented on it below. Dr. Grudem is currently research professor of Bible and theology at Phoenix Seminary in Phoenix, Arizona. He previously taught for twenty years at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School in Deerfield, Illinois. He holds degrees from Harvard (B.A.), Westminster Seminary (M.Div.), and Cambridge (Ph.D.). He is the author of many books including his comprehensive, 1290-page "Systematic Theology". He was past president of the Evangelical Theological Society.

Dr. Grudem was on the Translation Oversight Committee of the English Standard Version (ESV) of the Bible along with notable scholars such as Dr. Robert H. Mounce, Dr. William D. Mounce, Dr. J. I. Packer and other New Testament scholars.
"I do not think anyone should trust The Clear Word as a reliable translation of the Bible, or even as a useful paraphrase. It repeatedly distorts the teaching of the Bible. It removes significant content that is in the original Hebrew or Greek, and adds new ideas that are not found in the original texts. Verse after verse has been changed simply to support unusual Seventh-day Adventist doctrines, but these changes are not supported by reliable translations such as the KJV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, RSV, or NIV, or even by dynamic equivalence translations such as the New Living Translation or free paraphrases such as The Message. I was deeply troubled as I read various verses because it was clear that these verses were no longer the words of God only, but the words of God mixed in with many words of man, and ordinary readers of The Clear Word will not be able to tell the difference."
Wayne Grudem, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Bible and Theology
Phoenix Seminary, Phoenix, AZ

Original document can be viewed HERE.


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