Monday, January 13, 2025
Ellen G. White and Inspiration
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Author Maurice Barnett
Size 70 pages
Price $2.95
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This booklet is written primarily to inform non-Adventists about the subject at hand, with sufficient explanation of backgrounds to understand the points made.  It is also written to challenge the thinking of Seventh-day Adventist people about what they have accepted as their authority.  The material is plain in its presentation, but presented with the kindest of feelings for the readers, especially the Adventist reader.  Though not an Adventist, the author is acquainted with Adventists and has a great concern for their spiritual and eternal welfare.  It is prayerfully hoped that this booklet will be read with an open mind.

exAdventist Outreach 12612 N. Black Canyon Hwy. Phoenix, AZ. 85029� (602) 973-4768
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