Monday, October 21, 2024
Life of Mrs. E. G. White - Her False Claims Refuted
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Author D. M. Cartright
Size 185 pages
Price $7.95
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From the back cover…

"In the journey from Seventh-day Adventism to Seventh-day Adventist-Christian to Christian, there is a certain grief involved in relinquishing the image of Ellen White as at least a godly pious woman, even if wrong or deceived in her claims to have heard from and to speak for, God. Those struggling to pass this hurdle need to know that image was of Mrs. White's own deliberate making — as much a part of the White lie as her plagiarism itself. While never practicing the sexual immorality of Joseph Smith, Mrs. White was every bit as much a false prophet as he. Charity might conclude that her early vision experiences were produced by a physical ailment. D. M. Canright, however, a contemporary closely acquainted with Mrs. White, provides indisputable evidence that she was, in fact, a self-conscious fraud for most of her adult career. She indulged in gross plagiarism, knew that it was wrong, and sought to conceal it, along with a great many other deceits and mistakes made in the name of God over many years time. Canright's book is not for the squeamish, but for those desiring to come into the truth at any cost."

— Timothy Oliver, former SDA, researcher, editor, Watchman Fellowship. Inc.
"This book by D. M. Canright, a contemporary of Ellen G. White, is valuable for those who would know the whole truth of the Adventist movement. Canright opens vistas that I, as a fourth generation Adventist and a graduate of their seminary, had never before seen. He gives his readers insights that help explain why and how certain early SDA doctrines, like their "shut door of mercy" changed over time. He demonstrates, enumerates, and evaluates what he considers to be the errors in the ministry of Adventism's "Messenger of God," E. G. White. He does this with keen insight, a clear understanding of Scripture, the gospel and Adventist facts. Thanks for making this work easily available to sincere seekers of truth."
— Dale Ratzlaff, Author of Sabbath in Crisis and The Cultic Doctrine of Seventh-day Adventists.

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