Monday, October 21, 2024
Seventh-Day Adventism and the Writings of Ellen G. White
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Author J. Mark Martin
Size 70 pages
Price $2.95
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Seventh-day Adventism is a reflection of its prophetess Ellen G. White. Adventism is dependent on her writings and stands or falls on the truthfulness of her teachings. Ellen White's claims to inspiration are challenged by the fact that she made false predictions, contradicted the Bible and even contradicted herself. This fascinating, carefully researched book applies the biblical truth to Adventist claims about Ellen G. White.

Some of Ellen White's "inspired" claims uncovered in this book are:

  • Certain Adventists living in 1856 will be alive to see Jesus return.
  • The Atonement was not finished at the cross.
  • Satan was offered a pardon in heaven.
  • Some races are a mixture of man and beast.

You'll find this book a very effective reference tool when encountering the claims of Seventh-day Adventism.

exAdventist Outreach 12612 N. Black Canyon Hwy. Phoenix, AZ. 85029� (602) 973-4768
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